Crimary School
Graphic Design by Jess Hanebury
A True crime podcast by caroline hale & Friends
I’m obsessed with true crime. It started when I played Aaron McKinney in “The Laramie Project” in high school. Portraying a violent, homophobic murderer in my early career was not only challenging, but eye-opening in a way that I couldn't have expected. We as consumers (myself included) love storytelling in all its forms. True crime, because of the juxtaposition of reality and horror, is especially gripping. So I started a true crime podcast, called Crimary School (like primary school). It’s a podcast that seeks to educate listeners and honor victims, all while having a little bit of fun. It’s hosted by me and a new co-host (friend) every other Thursday. Crimary School is a bi-monthly podcast that delves into true crime stories that you may have never heard before.
Take a listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you can hear your favorite podcasts. Check out our Instagram, @crimaryschool, too!